Bomb Threat Checklist
Questions To Ask:
- When is the bomb going to explode?
- Where is it right now?
- What does it look like?
- What kind/size of bomb is it?
- What will cause it to explode?
- Did you place the bomb?
- Why?
- What is your address?
- What is your name?
Caller’s Voice:
Calm |
Angry |
Excited |
Slow |
Rapid |
Soft |
Loud |
Laughter |
Crying |
Normal |
Distinct |
Slurred |
Stutter |
Nasal |
Whispered |
Lisp |
Raspy |
Deep |
Accent |
Disguised |
Clearing Throat |
Ragged |
Deep Breathing |
Cracking |
Familiar? |
Who? |
Threat Language:
Well Spoken |
Incoherent |
Foul |
Irrational |
Righteous |
Grammar |
Taped |
Message Read |
Choice of Word |
Well Spoken Incoherent Foul Irrational Righteous Grammar Choice of Words Taped Message Read
Background Sounds:
Street Noise |
Booth |
Cafe/Bar |
Voices |
PA System |
Music |
House Noises |
Motor |
Animal Noises |
Office |
Clear |
Static |
Long Distance |
Local |
Factory Machinery |
Other |
Any words or phrases that stood out?
Exact Wording of the Threat:
Sex of the caller: |
Race: |
Age: |
Length of call: |
Time the call ended: |
Phone number where the call was received: |
Date: |
Report call immediately to: Building Security 510-594-3100; After normal hours 510- 715-9534 Emeryville Police 9-1-1
Suspicious Mail or Package?
Signs include: sloppy package, stamps instead of a postage meter, no return address, heavy for its size, stains, chemical odor, misspelled words, poor handwriting and/or references to “confidential, open only by (name of recipient).” Call Police 9-1-1.